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ASE Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is elected by a credit union's membership to ensure, on behalf of the members, that ASE is achieving its goals and objectives, while operating in an ethical, prudent, and fiscally sound manner. The Board of Directors establishes loan and savings policies and directs the affairs of the Credit Union.

Board of Directors

P.O. Box 230729
Montgomery, AL 36123

ASE Supervisory Committee

The Supervisory Committee oversees the financial affairs and strength of the credit union. They work with internal and external auditors to ensure that all NCUA rules and regulations are followed.

Supervisory Committee

P.O. Box 230101
Montgomery, AL 36123

ASE Credit Union’s Annual Meeting is held the first Tuesday in February each year.

Debit Card Support (833) 333-0418

Credit Card Support (833) 333-0418