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Share Draft (Checking)

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Monthly $0 - 500 0.0500% 0.0500%
Monthly $500 - 999 0.0500% 0.0500%
Monthly $1,000 - 9,999 0.1000% 0.1000%
Monthly $10,000 & Above 0.2000% 0.2002%

KASASA Cash (Checking)

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Monthly (Qualified) Up to $15,000 4.0000%* 4.0742%
Monthly (Qualified) $15,001 & Above 0.2500% 0.2503%
Monthly (Unqualified) All Balances 0.0500% 0.0500%

KASASA Saver (Savings Account)

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Monthly (Qualified) Up to $50,000 1.0000% 1.0046%
Monthly (Qualified) $50,001 & Above 0.2500% 0.2503%
Monthly (Unqualified) All Balances 0.0500% 0.0500%

ASE Business Checking Plus Dividends

Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
$10,000 & Above 0.1000% 0.1000%

ASE Share Account (Savings)

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Quarterly $5 0.1000% 0.1000%

ASE Business Savings

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Quarterly $5 0.1000% 0.1000%

Christmas Club

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Quarterly $5 0.1000% 0.1000%

Vacation Club

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Quarterly $5 0.1000% 0.1000%

Super Saver

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Monthly $0 - 4,999 1.5000% 1.5104%
Monthly $5,000 & Above 2.5000% 2.5288%

Business Super Saver

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Monthly $0-99,999 0.1500% 0.1501%
Monthly $100,000 & Above 0.1500% 0.1501%

Super Saver IRA

Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
Monthly $100 1.5000% 1.5104%

Share Certificates

Type Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
3 Month Quarterly $500 2.5000% 2.5235%
6 Month Quarterly $500 2.7500% 2.7785%
9 Month Quarterly $500 3.0000% 3.0339%
1 Year Quarterly $500 3.2500% 3.2898%
15 Month Quarterly $500 3.5000% 3.5462%
18 Month Quarterly $500 3.7500% 3.8031%
2 Year Quarterly $500 4.0000% 4.0604%
3 Year Quarterly $500 2.5000% 2.5200%
3 Year Step Up Quarterly $10,000 2.2500% 2.2700%
4 Year Quarterly $500 2.7500% 2.7800%
5 Year Quarterly $500 3.0000% 3.0300%

Business Share Certificates

Type Interest Compound Period Balance Requirement Dividend Rate APY*
1 Year Quarterly $500 0.0500% 0.0500%
2 Year Quarterly $500 0.2000% 0.2002%
3 Year Quarterly $500 0.4000% 0.4006%
4 Year Quarterly $500 0.7500% 0.7521%
5 Year Quarterly $500 0.8500% 0.8527%

*Annual Percentage Yield

Auto Loans

Loan Term APR (Annual Percentage Rate)
up to 48 Months as low as 5.25%*
49 to 66 Months as low as 6.25%*
67 to 78 Months as low as 6.75%*
79 to 84 Months as low as 7.75%*


Loan Term APR (Annual Percentage Rate)
up to 48 Months as low as 6.50%*
49 to 66 Months as low as 7.50%*
67 to 78 Months as low as 8.00%*
79 to 84 Months as low as 9.00%*
85 to 120 Months as low as 11.50%*

Other Secured Loans

Loan Term APR (Annual Percentage Rate)
up to 48 Months as low as 6.50%*
49 to 66 Months as low as 7.50%*
67 to 78 Months as low as 8.50%*
79 to 84 Months as low as 9.50%*

Other Loans

Type APR (Annual Percentage Rate)
Visa® Credit Card 8.99% - 17.99%

Home Equity

Type APR (Annual Percentage Rate)
Home Equity Line Variable Variable rate as low as 7.5%

Based on Prime Rate as of December 20, 2024.


Mortgage rates are subject to changes daily. Please click here to contact our mortgage department for additional information.

Personal Loans

Loan Term APR (Annual Percentage Rate)
up to 48 Months as low as 10.00%*
49 to 60 Months as low as 10.25%*

*Annual Percentage Rate

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Tell us how we're doing, email us your comments and suggestions.

Call Us : (334) 270-9011

Get in touch with a Member Support Representative during normal business hours.

Debit Card Support (833) 333-0418

Credit Card Support (833) 333-0418