Privacy Policy

Click here to read ASE’s current Privacy Notice which includes information on what our credit union does with your personal financial information.

At ASE Credit Union, we value the trust you place in us to keep your personal finances and other information confidential. At ASE, we maintain a strict policy on member confidentiality. This policy is explained to, and expected to be upheld by, every credit union employee.

Please read our Web Site Privacy Policy to learn more about how we keep your information private, what systems this affects, and in what circumstances your information may be shared:

  • We do not gather, collect or maintain any information about you that can identify you as an individual except for such services as you make information available. These services include, but are not limited to our online loan application and our online check ordering services. We gather only information that is necessary to process your request and we maintain the information in the strictest of confidence. The information that is gathered is not sold or otherwise provided to third parties for purposes that are inconsistent with our mission statement.
  • In some cases, we collect general data about users of our site for statistical purposes only. This data is not personally identifying. For example, we collect data on the day of the week and time of day that visitors are viewing our site.
  • In order to conduct the business of ASE Credit Union, we may also disclose nonpublic personal information about you under circumstances as permitted or required by law. These disclosures typically include information to process transactions on your behalf, to conduct the operations of ASE Credit Union, to follow your instructions as you authorize, or to protect the security of our financial records.
  • We recognize that protecting children’s identities and privacy online is important. We do not solicit or collect individually identifiable information on visits to the children’s page on our website without parental consent and do not knowingly solicit or collect individually identifiable information from children on any other area of our site.
  • You can help to protect your privacy by using caution when disclosing your account number, social security number, etc. Keep your information with us current. If your name, address, or phone number changes, please let us know.
  • This policy covers all services, products and information on ASE Credit Union’s website and all servers that provide an internet presence for ASE Credit Union. For more information about ASE Credit Union and our Privacy Policy, email us at [email protected].
  • ASE Credit Union’s website contains links to other sites. ASE Credit Union is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. This site has security measures in place to help protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.

ASE Credit Union does not sell or otherwise provide member names or other information to third parties for purposes inconsistent with our mission.

Debit Card Support (833) 333-0418

Credit Card Support (833) 333-0418